Who are we

Marianne Claus
Marianne Claus

The founder of Passe Partout is Marianne Claus, an enterprising business expert with extensive experience with large organizations in the Netherlands and France. She is solution-oriented and effective in bridging language and cultural differences between Dutch, English and French. Her field of activity is broadly developed touching on administrative, legal and tax aspects. She has lived permanently in Burgundy since 2006.

Sarah Dominguez
Sarah Dominguez

Sarah Dominguez joined our team end of 2011. Sarah is fully bilingual, since she emigrated to France with her Dutch parents at the age of 16. She has chosen a higher profession education in tourism. Based on work experience in mainly administrative functions in various sectors, we can rightly say, that she is an expert in administrative issues.

Zora Soprova
Zora Soprova

Zora Soprova has been part of our team since October 2016. She has a university background and extensive experience in Dutch business. In 2013 she settled permanently in the Morvan, where she makes an active contribution to French social life. She is a real go-getter and has a warm heart for people and animals.

Maartje van Veen
Maartje van Veen

Maartje van Veen has lived in France from the age of 8 and has completed a higher professional education as a real estate agent. Thanks to her Dutch parents and extensive work experience with Dutch and French people, she can empathize with both cultures. Maartje has been working at Passe Partout since 2010. After an inspiring 2-year trip around the globe, she decided to return to Passe Partout in 2017.

Rafaëla Griffioen
Rafaëla Griffioen

Na vele zomervakanties in de Morvan te hebben doorgebracht, heeft Rafaëla zich er met haar gezin
permanent gevestigd in 2002. Als zelfstandige gedurende 15 jaar op lokale markten heeft zij zich de
Franse taal en cultuur eigen gemaakt en hebben de Franse instanties haar weg menigmaal gekruist.
Haar in Nederland genoten hbo-opleiding voor toerisme kwam hierbij goed van pas. In Nederland
was zij ooit administratief medewerkster en bij Passe Partout heeft zij deze draad weer opgepakt in